Facts after the Liposuction


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery which removes Fats from specific areas of your body. During this the small, thin, and blunt-tipped tube (cannula) are inserted through tiny cuts in the skin. Liposuction or lipo is the safe and proven surgery which allowed many patients to improve their figures through the removal of extra Fats from their body. Liposuction will permanently remove fats. Liposuction treatment usually used to improve how a person looks.


Facts after Liposuction Procedure:

  • Is Fat return after liposuction?

Short Answer: NO!

Liposuction surgery actually removes the fat from areas that treated. These cells of fat is taken out from your body, so it can never regrow again. These fat cells can permanently remove.


  • You can get bigger after Liposuction:

Liposuction procedure is not the solution of weight loss. Liposuction is a procedure in which fat cells are removed permanently. Areas which are treated will not be a problem after liposuction. Liposuction procedure does not make your whole body thin permanently. At Dezire Clinic, Pune, our experts will teach you, Liposuction is not solution of weight reduction, but it is actually the form of reshaping the body to how to you want to look. And this will definitely increase your confidence and appearance.


  • Liposuction does not leave behind big scars:

The size of cannula which is used to remove the fat cells from your body is less than 5mm in diameter, which will leave very small or tiny scars behind. This tiny scar eventually disappear after 12 months.


  • It might take few months to see best result:


We usually takes the images before and after the liposuction surgery, so it will help you to see the best result. Liposuction surgery takes almost 3 months to see the best result. Wherever, some patients see their results before 3 months, or other may take longer period. After completed 3 months result will start to improve day by day.

The patients can consult with doctor at Dezire Clinic, Pune for free of cost and Register for consultation at dezireclinicindia@gmail.com